
Ph.D. Research
"Inference-based Geometric Modeling for the Generation of Complex Cluttered Virtual Environments"

Dissertation (PDF): Dissertation

Defense Slides: Defense Slides

M.S. Research
"Automatic Generation of Teamwork and Communication in Multi-Agent Teams"

Thesis (PDF): Thesis

Defense Slides: Defense Slides

Other Projects
Information Dashboard Framework (IDF) - an integrated framework for developing customized information dashboards functioning as decision-support tools for emergency responders. This toolkit was originally developed to support the decision-making processes within a foreign animal and zoonotic disease outbreak, but is general enough to be used in any incident where the visual integration of distributed information sources is beneficial to a decision maker.
Emergency Response Support System (ERSS) - a web-based information dashboard developed for the United States Department of Agriculture that can be used for incident response, as well as day-to-day planning and surveillance. This tool is being used by the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service for tracking a real-world foot-and-mouth disease outbreak in South Korea.
Bio-surveillance Field Entry System (BFES) - an iPad application that can be used by veterinarians for easily capturing of syndromic symptoms of animals in the field. This application allows for form submission in both a live and store-and-forward fashion for use in even very rural locations. The results can be queried and displayed in both a geospatial and temporal fashion within an information dashboard.
NAHLN Lab Capacity Estimation Model (LCEM) - a model of the National Animal Health Laboratory Network.s diagnostic testing capacity for use by individual labs and network administration. This model allows for the identification of rate limiting processes and helps to maximize the overall efficiency of the processes used by the labs and network personnel.
FastEggs/FastMilk Decision Support System - a web-based information dashboard that allows for visualizing and analyzing egg and milk producer/premise data within the state of Iowa.
Coast Guard Display System (CGDS) - a web-based information dashboard that provides a user-defined common operating picture across multiple echelons and within different functional areas. This tool was used as part of an on-the-water exercise by the Coast Guard.s Sector Seattle Command Center in August of 2009. These dashboards provided integration of live data feeds describing the current operational environment, real-time video and sensors for providing monitoring and surveillance capabilities, and custom simulation and visual analytic products. The common integration of these diverse tools supported the full decision-making process.
Bio-surveillance Common Operating Picture (BCOP) - a web-based information dashboard that provides analysts from the National Bio-surveillance Integration Center the ability to track and monitor disease outbreaks across the world. This tool provides a common integrated view of the information for both situational awareness and decision-making, and is being used in a 24/7 Department of Homeland Security command center.
Emergency Management Exercise System (EM*ES) - an exercise management system used to help train both civilian and military emergency response personnel in large-scale incident management and planning. This product has been used to support exercises ranging from the incident command post up to the state operations level. To date this tool has been used to train over 3,000 individuals including all of the State of Texas Multiagency Coordination Centers, the 2008 State of Texas Hurricane exercise, and numerous individuals from both civilian and military incident command posts and emergency operation centers from across the country.
Emergency Management Exercise System Web Client (EM*ES Web) - a rich internet application allowing a user to remotely join into an EM*ES facilitated exercise. This application allows individuals from anywhere in the world to both observe and take part in a centrally held exercise using only a standard Internet browser.
Emergency Operation Training Center Simulation (EOTCSim) - a simulation used to help support the Enhanced Incident Management Unified Command Course (a DHS sponsored course that trains decision-making and situational awareness for incident command management). To date this tool has been used to train over 3,500 individuals from across the United States.
Opposition Force (OPFOR) Command and Control Modeling in Objective OneSAF (OOS) - the command and control communication architectures, equipment lists, and entity message sets for the OPFOR (including conventional, terrorist, nongovernmental organizations and guerrilla forces) to be incorporated in with the OOS simulation (the next generation Army constructive war-gaming model).
Configuration Management Quality Assurance Tool - an online software configuration management tool that provided an environment for running quality assurance checks on battlefield functional area system software. It was flexible enough to operate for both UNIX and Windows-based operating systems and had suitable protections to ensure the integrity of each quality assurance check. It has become a pivotal tool in the Army's configuration management process.
Objective Force Knowledge Network - a formal analysis of the vast repositories of information that will exist and be accessible for the Objective Force (future combat units of the Army) and a prototyped tool that can access, query and easily search through these different sources. The tool also provided a means for users to add information back in the overall network structure.
After Action Review (AAR) Network Search Tool - a tool run during a distributed military simulation-based exercise to traverse and search networked machines to locate, collect, and analyze relevant files for use during the post-exercise after action review process.
Staff Agent Trainer - a model of the inner workings of an Army Battalion Tactical Operations Center using intelligent agents integrated with a battlefield simulation. The objective was to help reduce training costs by removing the number of human role-players required during training exercises.
GenEnv - an application for creating complex cluttered virtual environments consisting of varying configurations of solid model objects. The objects are automatically generated using a novel method that combines construction rules obtained from user-defined prior models that are encoded into a Petri net data structure, with an object parameterization defined through a simple sketch-based interface.
Constellation - an application suite for reconstructing and visualizing continuous surfaces from unstructured 3D point cloud datasets. The novel reconstruction algorithms developed function in an interactive and progressive fashion, and have been applied to very complex datasets. Different recognition and reconstruction techniques have been incorporated including point-based representations, the use of layer-based clustering, and a shape prior patch fitting integrated with a Moving Least Squares reconstruction process.
ScanSim - an interactive simulation of the LIDAR scanning process that allows for the generation of realistic point cloud datasets from a model provided as input.
Goodyear Handheld Unit (HHU) - a series of HHU applications used for product tracking, and inventory management and conversion, for use during business and warehouse migration.
RAID - an intelligent debugger (based on uncertain reasoning and rule-based techniques) to aid in the localization and resolution of faults occurring during program execution.